It's time to see some adult things


The House is a 2022 British adult stop-motion animated anthology film written by Enda Walsh and telling three different stories spanning different worlds and characters, but all set inside the same house. The anthology was produced for Netflix by Nexus Studios in London.


While most individuals are staying home during the pandemic, a few are still having to travel for work, and others are stuck abroad due to global lockdowns. If that’s you and you’re trying to access your usual streaming service, chances are you’ll be prevented from doing so by geo-blocking, and therefore unable to watch films like The House online.


the house


Luckily, there's an easy solution. Downloading the best VPN will allow you to watch The House online no matter where you are. VPN changes your IP address so that you can stream all your favorite shows live or on-demand just as if you were at home.


How to Watch The House on Netflix from anywhere?


  1. Choose a VPN. We recommend FlyVPN for the best overall streaming on Netflix UK.
  2. Install the VPN and connect to a VPN server in the UK.
  3. Jump onto Netflix UK and sign up/log in. Happy streaming!


Netflix uses anti-VPN technology to compare your IP address with a list of known VPN servers, and if it finds a match, you won’t be able to watch your stream.  Luckily, FlyVPN has 500+ VPN servers in 40+ countries, so there’s always an available connection to stream Netflix from anywhere.


FlyVPN also has a free trial VPN service so you can try it out risk-free. Simply create an account or in FlyVPN client or App, you can get 3 days free VPN for the first time. After 3 days, you can use FlyVPN 3 times a day, 20 minutes each time. If you still have questions about how to watch the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Live from anywhere, please leave a comment.

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